Notice of Annual General Meeting
Nau Mai, Haere Mai

You’re all very welcome to attend and get all the updates on our mahi over the last year. 

Where: Wairoa War Memorial Hall, 93 Queen Street, Wairoa 4108
When: Saturday 7 December 2024, 1:30pm to 3:30pm 

1. Karakia 
2. Trust Annual Report 
3. Audited Financial Statements 
4. Appointment of the Independent Auditor 
5. General Business 

The following resolutions will be voted on at the AGM:  
1.     That the Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust Annual Report 2024 be received.
2.     That the duly audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the period ending 30 June 2024 be adopted.
3.     That the appointment of BDO Gisborne Limited as the Independent Auditor for the 2025/2026 Income Year be approved.
Voting will be by show of hands of those Adult Registered Members present at the AGM.

This year the audited annual financial accounts will be made available to members on our website