We are pleased to be able to provide final dates and locations for our series of Information Hui coming up in November across the motu, including a Special General Meeting (SGM) in Wairoa.
This is where our Trustees will present to you the final Representation and Asset Arrangement Model for Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust as the post-settlement governance entity (PSGE) – the entity that receives cultural and financial and commercial redress from the Crown on Settlement Date, which is confirmed to be on 12 November 2018.
The dates for all the hui are further down this email. We will also be livestreaming each hui on Facebook, so if you cannot make it, make sure you try tune in online. Following the hui, we will be uploading the video livestream on our website as well.
By now you will have received your voting packs with your voting papers and information booklet. Voting opens on 3 November and closes at 12pm on Monday 26 November.
Note, we have made some updates to the Kāhui lists on page 27 of the information booklet since you received your copies by post. The most updated list can be found in the online version of the information booklet and in the updated version of the Trust Deed. You can access these latest documents here.
You are being asked to vote on the following Special Resolutions:
The Adult Registered Members resolve to:
1. amend the Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust Deed as set out in the marked up Trust Deed entitled Revised Version November 2018; and
2. approve the Unit Trust Model as the asset and representation model for the Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust.
The Trust needs to pass this Special Resolution so that we have an agreed representation model and way of managing our settlement assets. The Trust asks all whānau to review the proposed representation and asset arrangement model and then we encourage you to vote ‘YES’ to approve the Special Resolution.
The current Trust Deed ratified in August 2018 has been updated to reflect the proposed final representation and asset arrangement model. The marked up Trust Deed entitled Revised Version November 2018 can be accessed here, along with a list of proposed key updates to the Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust Deed.
If the Special Resolution does not receive the required level of support, the current Trust Deed ratified in August 2018 will stand and a new set of Trustee Elections will be held.
What it really means is we will lose the opportunity to move forward, that our iwi, hapū and whānau have been waiting so long for.
Your vote is really important to us – Remember, it is you who will determine if we can move forward with the proposed final asset and representation arrangements. It’s you, our people, who ultimately decide on the future of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa.
The Special Resolution must receive at least 75% support of valid votes cast for it to be passed.
Whānau, we would like to stress that we have not come up with the final representation and asset arrangements in isolation – we have listened to your views at last year’s engagement hui, and those contained in further information gathered, and have brought them together to develop this recommended final representation and asset arrangement model for the future structure of Tātau Tātau:
- Seven (7) Kāhui/Cluster groups: Each with a legal structure in place in order to be a unit holder in Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust upon settlement. You can read more about how the Kāhui structure will work on pages 16-19 of the information booklet.
- A Unit Trust Model: With each Kāhui holding ‘units’ in Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust. We are unique and we need a unique model for our settlement that is tailored specifically to the needs of our own iwi, hapū and whanau. You can read more about how the Unit Trust Model will work on pages 14 and 15, and 22 and 23 of the information booklet.
Wairoa College Hall
6pm – Friday 9 November 2018
Emerald Hotel, 13 Gladstone Road
11am – Saturday 10 November 2018
Hastings Function Centre, 101 Karamu Road
11am – Sunday 11 November 2018
Novotel Lakeside, Lake End Tutanekai Street
6pm – Friday 16 November 2018
Novotel Tainui, 7 Alma Street
11am – Saturday 17 November 2018
Jet Park Hotel, 63 Westney Road, Mangere
11am – Sunday, 18 November 2018
Coachman Hotel, 140 Fitzherbert Avenue
6pm – Friday, 23 November 2018
James Cook Hotel, 147 The Terrace
12pm – Saturday 24 November 2018
Sudima Hotel, 550 Memorial Avenue
10am – Sunday 25 November 2018
We encourage you to attend the hui so you can:
- hear how we will manage our settlement assets, including how our Unit Trust Model and Kāhui representation will work
- ask all the questions you have
- vote on our Representation and Asset Arrangement Model and Trust Deed changes
The SGM and Information Hui will be live streamed on social media and uploaded to our website so you can all see and hear what’s happening, even if you can’t make it there in person.
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