Together, we did it! Our Settlement has been enacted following the third and final reading of our Iwi and Hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa Claims Settlement Bill in Parliament today, and it is now law!
What a journey it has been.
This third and final reading was the culmination of many, many years of hard work that our tīpuna started and we are so happy and proud to have been able to collectively complete this for them, so that their tamariki and mokopuna, our tamariki and mokopuna, can benefit moving forwards.
A huge mihi to all those who journeyed to Pipitea Marae and Parliament to celebrate what we believe is a historic milestone for our iwi, hapū and whānau. For those who could not make it, we hope you were able to watch on Parliament TV, listen on Parliament Radio, or watch the Parliament TV livestream.
What happens now?
Now that our settlement is law, we are making plans to hold a series of of engagement hui across the country, and a Special Resolution Vote, where the Trustee will present to you the final Representation and Asset Management Model.
At these hui, you will be able to ask questions on how we will manage our settlement assets. This will be run in-conjunction with a special vote for all registered adult members.
The hui will be livestreamed so you can all see and hear what’s happening, even if you can’t make it there in person.
Follow us on social media, and register!
In the meantime, make sure you follow our Facebook page and website where we regularly post all news and updates.
If any of your whānau still haven’t registered with TātauTātau o Te Wairoa Trust, please encourage them to head to our website and register. You will need to be registered to vote on how we manage our settlement assets.
Any person over 18 years of age, who can whakapapa to an Iwi, Hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa, may register and vote. Children of those registered may also register, including whāngai and legally adopted children, but they won’t be able to vote until they are 18 years. Register here.
Ka mihi ki a koutou i tautoko mai. Together we are Tātau Tātau!
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