91.78% of you who voted, voted YES
The results of the Special Resolution Vote on our final representation and asset arrangements and required Trust Deed updates are in. We received a 91.78%% YES vote from those Adult Registered Members who voted.
Click here to view the final full results from Independent Returning Officer, Electionz.
This positive outcome means we can move forward with the Unit Trust Model, and the Kāhui representation it is underpinned by.
On behalf of the Trustees of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa, we wish to acknowledge all whānau who voted in support. Tēnā koutou!
This is a very exciting time for our whānau, hapū and iwi. It is the start of a new era – and it has been more than 30 years in the making. We can finally move forward, and start seeing the benefits for our iwi, hapū and whānau!
The Trust and your Kāhui will be in touch with you over the coming months on next steps, and with more information on how you can be involved.
The result of this vote means that your Kāhui can start working to benefit you, our people. This is our time to start achieving culturally, socially, and economically. This is our time to make things happen for our future.
What happens now?
- The Trust will make the required changes to the Trust Deed
- New Kāhui Tātau Tātau Representatives will be elected by the end of March 2019. The Tātau Tātau representatives will be the directors of the Corporate Trustee of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust.
- Our new Tātau Tātau Representatives will focus on finalising Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa’s Five-Year Strategic plan which is currently in draft form.
- A consultation process will be run next year amongst our members so that we can get your feedback on this important document.
Ka mihi ki a koutou i tautoko mai. Together we are Tātau Tātau!
Voting is closed
Voting on our final Representation and Asset Management Model for Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust is now closed.
Thank you very much to everyone who had their say and who took an interest in this vote. We are expecting to receive the results within one week, and we will inform you of the outcome via pānui, our website and social media.
If we have your support, the Trust will make the required changes to the Trust Deed and new Kāhui Tātau Tātau Representatives will be elected by the end of March 2019.
The Tātau Tātau representatives will be the directors of the Corporate Trustee of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust.
Thank you again, ka mihi ki a koutou i tautoko mai. Together we are Tātau Tātau!
Now that our Iwi and Hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa Claims Settlement Bill is law, we are now ready to have a Special Resolution Vote on the model and changes to the Trust Deed.
A Special General Meeting in Wairoa and a series of Information Hui are being held across the motu where our Trustees will present to you the final Representation and Asset Management Model for Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust as the post-settlement governance entity (PSGE). Further information on the hui can be found further down this page.
We know you will have some pātai for us at SGM and Information Hui ahead of casting your vote on our Representation and Asset Arrangement Model and the required Trust Deed changes.
We have prepared a comprehensive information booklet to give you a full picture of what is proposed so you are fully informed and have plenty of time to understand what is being proposed prior to voting. You will receive this by post, along with your voting papers, but in the meantime, you can access the information booklet online here.
At our engagement hui in 2017, we presented to you some possible models for the future structure of Tātau Tātau, for you to consider. We discussed how these models could be applied separately or parts taken from each to create a final model. You told us what you thought of the models presented to you and what further detail that would enable you to make an informed decision.
We have listened to your views and those contained in further information gathered and have brought them together to develop a recommended final representation and asset arrangement model for the future structure of Tātau Tātau:
• Seven (7) Kāhui/Cluster groups: Each with a legal structure in place in order to be a unit holder in Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust upon settlement.
• A Unit Trust Model: With each Kāhui holding ‘units’ in Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust.
Why the Kāhui structure?
The feedback we have received is that many whānau think it’s best to continue on the path that we have forged through the settlement process so far – being grouped by hapū for representation, then coming together under one umbrella group.
Many whānau say they are used to the Kāhui/Cluster structure and feel that it is fair, in that each Kāhui can elect its own representative as Trustee on the Tātau Tātau Board. That way each smaller group’s voice is heard, but overall, we are stronger together as one.
After considering your feedback, the Initial Trustees recommend we continue with the existing Kāhui representation approach for Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust.
You can read more about how the Kāhui structure will work on pages 16-19 of the information booklet.
Why the Unit Trust Model?
We had to consider which model would deliver more immediate benefits and greater control of income derived from the settlement for the Kāhui and our iwi, hapū and whānau right from the outset. But, incorporate parts of key strengths of existing PSGE models around collective mechanisms of asset management and economies of scale through keeping the principle intact, while allowing for Kāhui seeking independence to be enabled to do so without the need for further Tātau Tātau Trust Deed changes or Special Resolutions.
We’ve analysed other PSGE models of a similar size to Tātau Tātau and how representation and delivery of benefits to their members is undertaken. However, we do not believe these existing models are an appropriate identical match for the management of our settlement redress due to our circumstances.
We are unique and we need a unique model for our settlement that is tailored specifically to the needs of our own iwi, hapū and whānau
You can read more about how the Unit Trust Model will work on pages 14 and 15, and 22 and 23 of the information booklet.