We are seeking expressions of interests from registered members of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa for appointment to the Matangirau Reserves Board. We have three positions available.
This Reserves Board forms part of our Te Tiriti settlement with the Crown and has been established to initially manage five reserves (two Crown and three Council-owned reserves) in and around the Wairoa River mouth.
Expressions of Interests should be made in writing before 5pm, Monday 14 December 2020. Applicants must demonstrate the following in their application:
- Whakapapa connection to the reserve
- Knowledge of pre- and post-colonial history of the reserves area
- Understand the terms of the Matangirau Reserves Board as outlined in the Deed of Settlement for Ngā iwi me ngā Hapū o te Rohe o Te Wairoa
- Display behaviours consistent with the values of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa and the Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) Code of Conduct
- Previous governance experience and/or served on committees as a trustee
- Include which Kāhui of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa they are registered with and their current residential address.
Applications can be emailed to admin@ttotw.iwi.nz, posted to PO Box 61 Wairoa 4108, or dropped off at our office on 34 Marine Parade in Wairoa between 8.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.
Please share this news with your whānau.
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