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Rangatahi – we need you!

We’ve teamed up with Wairoa’s own Rugged and Wylde to share what’s important to our Rangatahi, and find out why registering with Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa is so important for our future.

This clip is the start of a range of video and blogs that will be developed over the coming months.

There has been a growing desire within and outside Te Wairoa for the inclusion of rangatahi in some way at a governance level of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust. Our current Deed enables the formation of a council of kaumātua but makes no provision for a similar structure for rangatahi.

We can change this, by creating a new structure that meets the needs of our Trust and the ambitions of our rangatahi.

Watch this space and ‘like’ and follow us on Facebook as we release more – and share the video while you’re there! Provide your insight, experience and perspectives on what the future could look like if you had a chance to design it – register with your iwi, join the conversation and help us shift our future into overdrive.

Nau mai haere mai tātau tātau kātoa.
Apiata Tapine, Trustee, Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust

November Hui: Join us to kōrero about the future of Tātau Tātau

Thank you for sharing your views on our future and what’s important to you at our August Engagement Hui.

Your Trustees have listened to your feedback and refined how our Aspirations, Values and Principles, and proposed representation and asset ownership structure could look in the future.

Now it’s over to you again – we’re back on the road around Aotearoa in November, to share feedback from August’s Hui, look at the refinements your Trustees have made and gather more feedback from our Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa whānau.

This is an exciting time with big decisions on our future to be made very soon. Getting your thoughts is really important, so we hope you can join us at one of the following hui:

Wairoa Hui 
Wairoa College Hall
5pm Friday 03 November 2017

Napier Hui
EIT Taradale
1pm Saturday 04 November 2017

Wellington Hui
James Cook Hotel
12pm Sunday 05 November 2017

Rotorua Hui
Ibis Hotel
5pm Friday 10 November 2017

Hamilton Hui
Ibis Tainui
1pm Saturday 11 November 2017

Auckland Hui
Jet Park Hotel
11am Sunday 12 November 2017

Palmerston North Hui
Hotel Coachman
5pm Friday 17 November 2017

Invercargill Hui
Kelvin Hotel
1pm Saturday 18 November 2017

Christchurch Hui 
Sudima Hotel
10am Sunday 19 November 2017

Everyone with whakapapa to Te Rohe o Te Wairoa is welcome to attend these Engagement Hui – but only registered members will be able to vote later on. Please check with whānau to make sure they’re registered – if not, tell them to sign up now!

From here, our Trustees will make recommendations, taking your feedback into account. Then all adult registered members will have the opportunity to vote on the special resolutions.

Take part online
If you can’t make it to one of the November Hui, you can still play your part:

  • Provide feedback directly to the Trust Board through an online survey form, which will be emailed to you and available on our website soon – feel free to share it around the whānau
  • Read the November Engagement Hui information book to understand the key concepts for discussion and feedback
  • Hui will be live video streamed through our Facebook page – and you can ask questions by posting them on Facebook while they are underway

It’s you, our people, who’ll decide on the final asset and representation arrangements. Your participation is crucial to a successful future for the iwi and hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa.

Special General Meeting

The next step in our settlement process is a Special General Meeting – all iwi members are invited to share your thoughts and give feedback.

This will be held on Saturday 30 September, from 5pm to 7pm, at Wairoa College Hall.

This meeting formally begins the Review Process for our asset ownership and representation arrangements, in accordance with Sections 2.3 and 2.4 of our Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust Deed. The meeting agenda will include a presentation, Q&A and workshop session.


Special event: Ministry for the Environment Signing Ceremony
Our Trustees invite all iwi and hapū members of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa to witness a new Relationship Agreement with the Ministry for the Environment.

The signing will be held on Friday 15 September from 11am to 1pm at the Whakakī Marae, Wairoa.

Re-watch video from our August engagement Hui

August’s series of Engagement Hui across Aotearoa were extremely valuable thanks to the whanāu attending and participating in the engagement process – ngā mihi to everyone that took part.

Online, large numbers tuned into the live-steamed videos – you can re-watch the videos below to catch up on what was said.

The next step in the process is seeking your feedback on proposed asset and representation models in November, then the Initial Trustees will take your feedback and make recommendations. After that, all adult registered members will be able to vote on the changes by way of special resolutions. Register here if you haven’t already – don’t wait!

Wairoa Hui – 4 August 2017

Napier Hui – 5 August 2017

Wellington Hui 6 August 2017

Wellington Hui video presentation

Wellington hui video part three

Rotorua Hui 11 August 2017

Rotorua Hui 11 August 2017 part two

Hamilton Hui 12 August 2017

Auckland Hui 13 August 2017

Palmerston North Hui 18 August 2017 – part one

Palmerston North Hui 18 August 2017 – part two

Invercargill Hui 19 August 2017 part one

Invercargill Hui 19 August 2017 part two

Christchurch Hui 20 August 2017

Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa engagement hui happening throughout August

Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa will soon be holding Engagement Hui with our members across Aotearoa.

At these hui we will update you on our recent mahi and seek your feedback on our Aspirations, Values, and Principles, as well as potential concepts for our asset and representation arrangements.

Our Settlement Bill is currently before Parliament and we hope it will be completed early next year.

Our Trustees are meeting monthly and making good progress on transitioning from our negotiating body Te Tira Whakaemi o Te Wairoa to Tātau Tātau.

The upcoming Engagement Hui are really important. What you tell us will help shape the thinking on our future representative structure, which currently has 7 Kāhui (Clusters), and our asset ownership arrangements.

An Information Booklet will be available at the hui and on this website soon.

Please join us at one of the following hui:

War Memorial Hall
4pm Friday 04 August 2017

EIT Taradale
1pm Saturday 05 August 2017

Shed 6 Queens Wharf
11am Sunday 06 August 2017

Holiday Inn
4pm Friday 11 August 2017

Alcamo Hotel
1pm Saturday 12 August 2017

Jet Park Hotel
11am Sunday 13 August 2017

Palmerston North
Copthorne Hotel
5:30pm Friday 18 August 2017

Ascot Park Hotel
1pm Saturday 19 August 2017

Sudima Hotel
11am Sunday 20 August 2017

Remember, it is you, our people, who decide on the final asset and representation arrangements.

In November, we will seek your feedback on proposed asset and representation models, then the Initial Trustees will take your feedback and make recommendations. After that, all adult registered members will be able to vote on the changes by way of special resolutions.

Everyone with whakapapa to Te Rohe o Te Wairoa is welcome to attend the Engagement Hui. However, only our registered members can vote, so please check that all your whānau are registered – if not, tell them to register here today!


Wairoa iwi to choose Initial Trustees for Post-Settlement Governance Entity

Wairoa iwi to choose Initial Trustees for Post-Settlement Governance Entity Iwi and hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa will soon determine the Initial Trustees for their Post-Settlement Governance Entity (PSGE), Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust, with voting closing at 5pm this Monday, 31 October 2016.

With just a few days left to vote, Te Tira Whakaemi o Te Wairoa Chairman Tāmati Olsen is encouraging all those who whakapapa to Wairoa iwi and hapū to get involved.

“We want all our people to have a say on the management of our $100 million Treaty Settlement, for the long-term benefit of the iwi and hapū of the Wairoa Inquiry District,” he says.

“The PSGE is crucial to the completion of our Settlement journey, which was started by our kaumātua and kuia more than thirty years ago.

“Going forward, the Initial Trustees will play an important role in ensuring we build a solid foundation for future growth and development opportunities.”

Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust will be responsible for receiving and managing the Treaty Settlement redress on behalf of the iwi and hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa.

The PSGE will have a total of 14 Trustees, with each of the seven Kāhui (clusters) within Te Tira Whakaemi o Te Wairoa voting for one Ahi-Kā Trustee and one general Trustee to represent their Kāhui.

Newly-elected Initial Trustees will be announced on Saturday 5 November in major newspapers and on Te Tira Whakaemi o Te Wairoa’s Facebook page, prior to the signing of the Deed of Settlement at the Takitimu Marae in Wairoa on 25 and 26 November 2016.

Tāmati Olsen says it is up to all eligible voters to determine who will represent them on Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust.

“We urge everyone to vote by Monday and help us choose the best individuals to look after our Settlement funds, to create a brighter future for our mokopuna and generations to come.”

Voting can be completed online or by post. For more information, visit our registration page.

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