![]() E ngā ringa tōhau nui, e ngā ngākau whihita, tēnā tātau katoa. Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa have been successful in our application to the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) to develop a Horticulture Hub for Te Wairoa. The $2.3 million investment from PGF comprises a grant of $875,000 and a loan of $1,456,350 to develop a trial orchard, engage landowners to diversify into horticulture and develop an integrated skills and training programme. This project signifies the first commercial venture in the rohe using the full range of our settlement assets to create jobs and businesses for our whānau. Why horticulture? We rely heavily on farming with the meat works employing close to 60% of our communities. The current rate of afforestation presents a threat to the works and those jobs. Horticulture will provide another industry in the district and opportunities to increase the productivity of our whenua, returning greater economic benefits through higher yields, jobs and the creation of associated businesses. Our plan is to build a post-harvest facility in Wairoa from year 5 to year 10, creating 300 new jobs and contributing an extra $8.2 million every year to our local economy. We see the environmental impacts of intensive horticulture, particularly water, in Heretaunga and Tūranga. We believe that if we take the lead on these developments here, we can ensure our values around environment, social wellbeing and culture flourish together. Our Wairoa Horticulture Hub is a collaboration between Ngāti Pāhauwera, Hawkes Bay Regional Council and Wairoa District Council. Realising these opportunities is important, now more than ever, given the far-reaching impacts of COVID-19. You can read more about this project on pages 41 and 42 of our ‘Whakamanahia a Te Wairoa’ document, available on our website here. ![]() – We are recruiting for a programme manager and whenua Māori connector to lead us. You can read the full job advertisement here. – We are looking for landowners who are interested in converting to horticulture and will be holding our first information evening in November. – We are working with fresh produce organisations to develop a range of commercial partners with the same vision and values. – We are working with schools, training providers, employers and government to develop a workforce plan. We will endeavour to keep you updated on developments and have engaged Korou Digital to help take us together on this journey. Keep an eye out for further updates as we look to address homes and housing for whānau. Nāreira, Mā te mahitahi ka eā. Mauri tū, mauri ora! |
Category: Uncategorised (Page 2 of 3)
Whānau, do you think about how you are tracking with your health and wellbeing on a day-to-day basis? Do you want to be part of contributing to a healthier future for the Whānau, Hapū and Iwi of te Rohe o Te Wairoa?
Introducing our Whānau Wellbeing Project – aimed at promoting good health and wellbeing amongst our people. It’s part of our long-term strategy to ensure our people are prosperous, vibrant, innovative, healthy and at the heart of decision-making for the future.
To take part, you’re invited to sign up to The Meke Meter, a free, interactive online platform that allows you to rate and record your wellbeing each day. You can then also identify areas that you may want to focus on. You can also choose to share your results with whānau and work on improving your wellbeing together.
Give it a go! The Meke Meter is fun to use together with your whānau, particularly while we are in Alert Level 4. We will also send more pānui over the next few weeks via email and social media to provide tips on using The Meke Meter.
What is The Meke Meter?
The Meke Meter is a wellbeing monitoring tool based on Te Whare Tapa Whā, designed by Māori, for Māori. By simply rating 1-10 how you feel about mahi, school, finances, whānau, fitness, nutrition, motivation and self-esteem, you will better understand your holistic wellbeing.
Studies have shown that using The Meke Meter helps you to better understand your personal wellbeing and take steps to improve this over time. Getting involved and using The Meke Meter encourages kōrero with whānau at home, creates greater understanding of, and manaakitanga for, each other’s situation, recognises common areas and helps generate ideas of how to improve our collective wellbeing.
The collective results will give us a better understanding of what support our people need so we can put things in place to enable better wellbeing.
How does it work?
The Meke Meter consists of 15 questions that cover the areas of physical, social and mental wellbeing. Thinking about how you rate yourself in each of these areas, will help promote self-care and encourage you to be more engaged with ways to improve your wellbeing.
Our wellbeing as individuals and whānau are closely connected to our natural environment and enhanced through practising our values and reconnecting with our culture and traditions. This is core to our Moemoeā – our shared aspirations for the future of our people: That the Whānau, Hapū and Iwi of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa are prosperous, healthy and aspirational; proudly identifying and connecting with Te Ao Māori; kaitiaki for a restored natural environment; and informed key decision-makers for our future.
If we all participate, we can create community solutions to improve our quality of life, and the collective health of our Whānau, Hāpu, and Iwi. We have health promotion, mental health and cultural experts to help us with the project.
Is my information secure?
Your information is secure and protected and The Meke Meter Company recognises the principles of indigenous data sovereignty. Information provided by you may be shared for the purposes of evaluation and research. This is done in a manner where you cannot be identified as an individual. The data you enter, along with everyone else’s, is used to produce a dashboard report on the wellbeing of everyone. These are just numbers and cannot be used to identify any individual. This non-identifiable data helps us understand the wellbeing of our members and enables us to evaluate what health and wellbeing services our people will most benefit from.
Find out more about the Meke Meter privacy policy here.
How do I get started?
You can register and sign up for free here. It’s easy!
Just enter with your email and create a password to get started. After signing up, you can set up your profile.
- Under ‘My Details’ go to ‘Update my Details’ and add your iwi.
- Under ‘Actions’ on the home page we encourage you to:
- Go to ‘Promotions’. You will be taken to a page with a section for ‘Promotional Codes’.
- Use ‘ttotw’ as the promo code.
- Go to ‘My Wellbeing Today’ and start rating your wellbeing.
- You can watch an easy how-to guide for setting up your Meke Meter profile here.
Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust is part of the Wairoa Wellness Network, set up to support our Wairoa community as we navigate the health, social, cultural and economic impacts of COVID-19. The network at any one time includes local health and social services providers, Civil Defence, social organisations, iwi, hapū, businesses, local and national government – all working together for our community. This includes emphasising good information and future planning for and by our Wairoa community.
Nigel How, member of the Wairoa Wellness Network, Chair of the Kaumātua Council of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust and Ngāti Kahungunu Wairoa Taiwhenua Incorporated, has put together a pānui update covering the following important topics:
- What Alert Level 4 means for Wairoa District
- Tangihanga practices during Alert Level 4
Click here to read the latest updates and advice.
Whānau, the changes to our tangihanga practices during Alert Level 4 might be difficult to absorb. Yes, it is all a change to our normal tikanga, but we need to do all we can to overcome COVID-19.
We encourage you to read this pānui and to contact us if you have any pātai.
Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Corporate Trustee hereby
gives notice to the members of the Whānau, Hapū, and Iwi of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa
of our Annual General Meeting on Saturday 14 December 2019 at the War Memorial
Hall in Wairoa.
You’re very welcome to
attend and get all the updates on our mahi over the last year.
- Pōwhiri
- Karakia
- Trust Annual Report
- Audited Financial Statements
- Appointment of the Independent Auditor
- Approval of the Directors’ Remuneration
- General Business
- Kai o te Pō
War Memorial Hall, Wairoa
1pm to 3pm
Saturday 14 December 2019
The following resolutions will be voted on at the AGM:
1. That the reports on the operations of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust by the elected Tātau Tātau Kāhui Representatives during the preceding Income Year be received.
2. That the Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust Annual Report 2019 and the duly audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the period ending 30 June 2019 be adopted.
3. That the appointment of BDO Gisborne Limited as the Independent Auditor for the 2019/2020 Income Year be approved.
4. That the Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trustee Limited Director Remuneration Levels for the 2019/2020 Income Year be approved.
5. That the Five-Year Strategic Plan 2019/2024 and Annual Plan 2019/2020 for Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust be approved.
Voting will be by show of hands of those Adult Registered Members present at the AGM.
We look forward to
seeing you there.
Nākū noa, nā
Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trustee Limited
Note: The 2019 Annual Report, including the Audited Financial Statements will be available on the Trust’s website and will be emailed to members. Hard copies can be obtained from our Office and at the meeting.
Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa (TToTW) Trust is searching for individuals to fill the role of Commercial Advisor.
TToTW was established to manage the Settlement redress on behalf of the Iwi and Hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa, which was received on 12 September 2018, as part of the settlement with the Crown for all the historical Treaty of Waitangi claims within the Wairoa District.
We are now entering an exciting new era and are moving forward with seeing the benefits for the iwi, hapū and whānau of Wairoa with a specific focus on achieving cultural, social, and economical benefits.
The Commercial Adviser through functional reporting will be responsible for implementing the decisions of the Board of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Commercial Limited, TToTW’s commercial entity.
The primary purpose is the management of the asset portfolio, held in the commercial entity, within the specified risk and growth of funds available for distribution to carry out the Trust’s cultural and social objectives and Kāhui outcomes, while ensuring the protection of our taiao and to achieve growth of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust’s assets.
Further information on the role is available from www.ttotw.iwi.nz or by contacting Emily Johnstone at Deloitte on 07 920 7196 or emjohnstone@deloitte.co.nz.
To apply in strict confidence email your CV to emjohnstone@deloitte.co.nz or by mail to Attention: Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa, Deloitte, PO Box 12003, Rotorua 3045. Applications close Friday 20 September 2019.
Are you looking for the next step in your career? Do you have strong entrepreneurial skills combined with a passion for the development of the economic, social and cultural wellbeing of New Zealand?
Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa (TToTW) Trust is searching for individuals to fill the role of Directors on its Commercial Board.
TToTW was established to manage the Settlement redress on behalf of the Iwi and Hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa, which was received on 12 September 2018, as part of the settlement with the Crown for all the historical Treaty of Waitangi Claims within the Wairoa District.
We are now entering an exciting new era and are moving forward with seeing the benefits for the iwi, hapū and whānau of Wairoa with a specific focus on achieving cultural, social, and economical benefits.
Expressions of interest are invited for Directors on the Board. Candidates will demonstrate strong investment advisor experience, financial, legal or business background gained in any sector with preferable experience in commercial property assets, investments, primary sector, and a strong appreciation of the significant role that TToTW plays in the region.
The term of appointment is for two years, with Directors eligible for reappointment.
Further information on the Directors’ role is by contacting Emily Johnstone at Deloitte on 07 920 7196 or emjohnstone@deloitte.co.nz.
To apply in strict confidence, email your CV to emjohnstone@deloitte.co.nz or by mail to:
Attention: Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa, Deloitte, PO Box 12003, Rotorua 3045.
Applications close on Friday 8 March 2019.
The results of the Special Resolution Vote on our final representation and asset arrangements and required Trust Deed updates are in. We received a 91.78%% YES vote from those Adult Registered Members who voted.
Click here to view the final full results from Independent Returning Officer, Electionz.
This positive outcome means we can move forward with the Unit Trust Model, and the Kāhui representation it is underpinned by.
On behalf of the Trustees of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa, we wish to acknowledge all whānau who voted in support. Tēnā koutou!
This is a very exciting time for our whānau, hapū and iwi. It is the start of a new era – and it has been more than 30 years in the making. We can finally move forward, and start seeing the benefits for our iwi, hapū and whānau!
The Trust and your Kāhui will be in touch with you over the coming months on next steps, and with more information on how you can be involved.
The result of this vote means that your Kāhui can start working to benefit you, our people. This is our time to start achieving culturally, socially, and economically. This is our time to make things happen for our future.
What happens now?
- The Trust will make the required changes to the Trust Deed
- New Kāhui Tātau Tātau Representatives will be elected by the end of March 2019. The Tātau Tātau representatives will be the directors of the Corporate Trustee of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust.
- Our new Tātau Tātau Representatives will focus on finalising Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa’s Five-Year Strategic plan which is currently in draft form.
- A consultation process will be run next year amongst our members so that we can get your feedback on this important document.
Ka mihi ki a koutou i tautoko mai. Together we are Tātau Tātau!
Thank you to all our whānau for participating in the Waitangi Day registrations and phone competition.
Congratulations to Chevon Mitchell and Bailey Thompson – you are our lucky winners of a new Samsung S8s. Kia manahau!
Kia ora to all our Rangatahi – join us on Waitangi Day for an event all about you! An awesome concert with six bands, and the chance to kōrero about what you want for the future of Te Wairoa.
Your voice is important. Come and have fun with your friends, and celebrate what it means to be Iwi and Hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa. More details to come… follow us on Facebook to stay updated.
Mauri Ora!
Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trustees hereby give notice to the members of the iwi and hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa of our inaugural Annual General Meeting on 16 December 2017 at Tāne-nui-a-Rangi Marae, Nūhaka.
You’re very welcome to attend and get all the updates on our mahi over the last year.
- Pōwhiri
- Karakia Tohi
- Trustees’ Annual Report
- Audited Financial Statements
- Appointment of the Independent Auditor
- Approval of the Trustees’ Remuneration
- General Business
- Kai o te Pō
Tāne-nui-a-Rangi Marae
4pm to 7pm
Saturday 16 December 2017
Let us know you’re attending on Facebook.
The Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Annual Report is available here – it includes the Chairperson’s Report on the Trust’s activities since we signed the Deed of Settlement in November last year, and the full set of Financial Statements for the eight months up until 30 June 2017.
Inside the report is the AGM agenda and details of the four resolutions to be voted on. We will have hard copies of the Annual Report available for everyone at the AGM.
If you would like a printed copy to be sent out to you, please get in touch with the Trust Office at contact@ttotw.iwi.nz or phone (06) 838 8262.