Davena Morunga has been appointed as Kaiāwhina Whaiaro – Personal Assistant at E Tipu – TātauTātau Commercial and will start on 25th March 2024.
We are extremely fortunate to have Davena stay within the Tātau Tātau group and bring her amazing administration skills across to the Commercial team after working in the Trust as Contracts Manager.
Davena is a proud Mahia native, raised in Mahanga. She will be a huge asset to our kaupapa across all administration mahi.
Ko Rakauwhakatangitangi te maunga
Ko Rotopounamu te roto
Ko Kurahaupo te waka
Ko Mahanga O Ruakoutuku te marae
Ko Te Hoko Whitu o Ngaitu te hapū
Ko Rongomaiwahine te iwi
Ko Eruera Morunga rāua ko Kaa Bell ōku mātua
Nō Mahanga ahau
Ko Davena Morunga tōku ingoa
Āku mihi