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Davena Morunga has been appointed as Kaiāwhina Whaiaro – Personal Assistant at E Tipu – TātauTātau Commercial and will start on 25th March 2024.

We are extremely fortunate to have Davena stay within the Tātau Tātau group and bring her amazing administration skills across to the Commercial team after working in the Trust as Contracts Manager.

Davena is a proud Mahia native, raised in Mahanga. She will be a huge asset to our kaupapa across all administration mahi.

Ko Rakauwhakatangitangi te maunga

Ko Rotopounamu te roto

Ko Kurahaupo te waka

Ko Mahanga O Ruakoutuku te marae

Ko Te Hoko Whitu o Ngaitu te hapū

Ko Rongomaiwahine te iwi

Ko Eruera Morunga rāua ko Kaa Bell ōku mātua

Nō Mahanga ahau

Ko Davena Morunga tōku ingoa

Āku mihi

Scholarship Entries Now Closed

Entries closed.

We’ve received a significant number of applications, but entries for our Scholarship programme are now closed.

We’re astounded by the huge array of skills, passions and aspirations of the Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa whānau and incredibly proud to be a part of this awesome community.

If you’ve missed out this time, don’t be disheartened. We will be opening applications once again towards the end of the year. So be sure to keep an eye out for that announcement.

To keep updated, check back here or follow us on Facebook at:


Ko Orangi tōku Maunga,
Ko Te Wairoa Hōpūpū Hōnengenenge Mātangirau tōku awa,
Ko Whakaki toku Roto,
Ko Takitimu tōku waka,
Ko Whakaki tōku marae,
Ko Ngai Te ipu, Ko Ngati hine, Ko Ngati Hinepua oku hapu
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu tōku iwi
Ko Shayne Walker tōku ingoa


Shayne has been appointed as the Health and Safety Manager at Tātau
Tātau Commercial and will start his mahi on 15th January 2024. It is a
pleasure to have another Wairoa born and bred local join our team and
Shayne’s extensive experience in the farming industry and dedication to
good health and safety practices in his working environments will add
strength to an extremely important part of the Tātau Tātau Commercial
and Trust activities. We have a major focus on ensuring that across our
administration, housing and horticulture mahi that our people return
home safely to their whānau at the end every day. Shayne will develop,
lead and coordinate our health and safety kaupapa across all projects.

We are excited about Shayne’s appointment in such a key role and the qualities he will add to the Commercial team.

Hoki ora mai ki te kainga! Welcome home Paoraian.

Ko Whakapunake me Hikurangi ngā maunga,
Ko Te Wairoa Hōpūpū Hōnengenenge Mātangirau me Waiapu ngā awa,
Ko Takitimu me Horouta ngā waka,
Ko Taihoa me OhineWaiapu ngā marae,
Ko Ngāti Kurupakiaka me Te Whānau-a-Takimoana ngā hapū,
Ko Ngāti Kahungunu me Ngāti Porou ngā iwi,
Ko Paul Harman tōku Pāpā,
Ko Oha Manuel tōku Māmā,
Ko Paoraian Manuel Harman tōku ingoa.


Paoraian has been appointed as the Communications Manager at
Tātau Tātau Commercial and will start his mahi in January 2024.

A proud man of Wairoa, Paoraian is well known to many locals and is a
wearer of the coveted Wairoa Barry Cup jersey in recent years. He has
been applying his communications skills for Te Taiwhenua te Whanganui
ā Orotū in Ahuriri and is excited to bring his experience back home for the
benefit of our people. Tātau Tātau Commercial have a major focus on
providing quality communications of investment and commercial activity
to our whanau across the rohe in 2024, and Paoraian will be a key driver
of that.

We are excited about Paoraian’s appointment and is yet another tohu of
attracting our skilled whānau back home.

Join Our Team. Make a difference. Housing General Manager | Full time permanent.

Tātau Tātau Housing Limited Partnership (Tātau Tātau Housing) is looking for a:
Housing General Manager. Full time permanent | Wairoa, Hawkes Bay

Tātau Tātau Housing is a subsidiary of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Commercial Limited Partnership (Tātau Tātau Commercial) and is charged with developing the site in Wairoa called Te Rāua.
This 56-home housing development, including the kaumātua precinct site and a 13-bedroom kaumātua community facility is entering into construction phase in 2024.
This role will be responsible for managing all aspects of the overall project and will require reporting directly to the Chair of Tātau Tātau Housing.

For more information about Tātau Tātau Housing, a full job description, qualification requirements, and rates download the full job description.
Applications can be made online at Seek.

Join Our Team: Kai Tuhituhi | Executive Assistant. Full time permanent.

Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Commercial Limited Partnership (TToTW CLP) are looking for: Kai Tuhituhi | Executive Assistant. Full time permanent. Wairoa, Hawkes Bay

TToTW CLP is a Kaupapa Māori organisation committed to social, environmental, cultural development projects. Operating out of Wairoa, where we are accessible to our people, we work closely with the other Tātau Tātau entities, including Horticulture (Haumako) and Housing (Te Rauā). We are invested in the development of our staff.
This is a key leadership role and will require you to report directly to the Kaihautū Commercial. To succeed in this role, you should be able to work effectively in a team environment with a focus on timeliness, attention to detail, and professionalism.

For more information about TToTW CLP, a full job description, qualification requirements, and rates; Download full job description

Join Our Team: Kai Haumaru | Health & Safety Officer. Full time, permanent.

Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Commercial Limited Partnership (TToTW CLP) are looking for: Kai Haumaru | Health & Safety Officer. Full time, permanent. Wairoa Hawkes Bay

TToTW CLP is a Kaupapa Māori organisation committed to social, environmental, cultural development projects. Operating out of Wairoa, where we are accessible to our people, we work closely with the other Tātau Tātau entities, including Horticulture (Haumako) and Housing (Te Rauā). We are invested in the development of our staff.
The role will require you to be responsible for TToTW Group compliance with the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015. To be successful in this role, you will need a Health & Safety Management qualification or relevant experience, be able to work in a team environment in a timely, detailed, and professional manner.

For more information about TToTW CLP, a full job description, qualification requirements, and rates; Download full job description

Hoki ora mai ki te kainga! Welcome home Aayden.

Ko Tākitimu me Mātaatua ngā waka,
Ko Whakapūnaki me Maungapōhatu ngā maunga,

Ko Te Wairoa-Hōpupu-Hōnengenenge-Mātangi Rau me Tauranga ngā awa,

Ko Ngāti Kahungunu me Ngāi Tūhoe ngā iwi,
Ko Ngāi Tamaterangi me Ngāi Tamatuhirae ngā hapū, Ko Rangiāhua me Omuriwaka ngā marae,
Ko Moana Clarke tōku Pāpā,
Ko Judy Clarke tōku Māmā,
Ko Aayden Clarke ahau.


Aayden has been appointed as the Kaihautū of Commercial Limited. Replacing the previous General Manager Rawinia Kamau.

Born and bred in Wairoa, Aayden is a past student of St Joseph’s Primary and Wairoa College. With a foundation in Wairoa Ross Shield, first XV and Barry Cup representative, Aayden has played rugby for the Napier Pirates, Hawkes Bay Magpies and in Japan.

Having travelled and worked internationally Aayden is commercially astute having grown and sold his own businesses. He has worked across management, sport, merchandise, Māori business, hospitality, trades and building. Aayden brings an exciting energy and passion and is eager to contribute to the development of TToTW and his kainga rohe.

The Trust and Commercial boards are excited with Aayden’s appointment as another tohu of attracting our whānau back home. We look forward to Aayden’s pōwhiri on October 9th.

Survey: Tūranga kainga e hokia

We have partnered with organisations from te rohe o Te Wairoa to develop a housing strategy for whānau in the district. Click here to view this document. We are also beginning the process of planning housing developments on our Deferred Settlement Properties (DSPs) with your Kāhui.

We would like to hear from you about your housing needs and aspirations to help us with planning. Together with our partners, we have developed a survey as a first step. The results will be used to wānanga with whānau in each rohe.

Fill out the survey and you could win one of three $200 gift vouchers! 

Survey link:

Mā te mahitahi ka ea.   

Notice of 2020 Annual General Meeting

Kia hiwa ra, kia hiwa ra!
Nei te karanga a Te Poho o Tamaterangi ki ngā uri o ngā whare tūpuna puta noa i te rohe whānui o Te Wairoa.
Whakapiri mai, whakatata mai,
hui e! tāiki e!

Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Corporate Trustee hereby gives notice to the members of the Whānau, Hapū, and Iwi of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa of our Annual General Meeting on Saturday 28 November 2020 at Rangiāhua Marae in Wairoa.
Our day will commence with the opening of our office, 34 Marine Parade Wairoa, at 11am.  We invite you to attend, meet our staff and enjoy light refreshments. 
To make things easy for you, we will have a bus available for you to then travel to the Annual General Meeting where you will get all the updates on our mahi over the last year.

Where: Rangiāhua Marae, 331 Rangiāhua Road, Frasertown
When: Saturday 28 November 2020, 1pm to 3pm
Transport:  Departing at 12pm from our office, 34 Marine Parade Wairoa. Please contact our office to confirm your seat 06 261 4100.

– Pōwhiri
– Karakia
– Trust Annual Report
– Audited Financial Statements
– Appointment of the Independent Auditor
– Approval of the Directors’ Remuneration
– General business
– Kai a te Ahi  

The following resolutions will be voted on at the AGM: 
1. That the reports on the operations of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust by the elected Tātau Tātau Kāhui Representatives during the preceding Income Year be received.
2. That the Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust Annual Report 2020 and the duly audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the period ending 30 June 2020 be adopted.
3. That the appointment of BDO Gisborne Limited as the Independent Auditor for the 2020/2021 Income Year be approved.
4. That the Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trustee Limited Director Remuneration Levels for the 2020/2021 Income Year be approved.

2020 Annual Report

The 2020 Annual Report, including the Financial Statements, is available on the Trust’s website here, and can be downloaded here. We will have hard copies of the Annual Report available at the AGM.
The Annual Report includes reports on the Trust’s activities over the past year, the full set of Financial Statements for the twelve months up until 30 June 2020, and details of the resolutions to be voted on.
We look forward to seeing you at our AGM if you can make it. 

 Nāhakū noa, nā

Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trustee Limited
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