Category: Media Releases (Page 2 of 5)

Job opportunity – Orchard Manager

Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa is embarking on greenfield horticultural development to increase land utilisation in Wairoa for the benefit of current and future generations. Our vision is for sustainable use and development of our whenua to create a community of horticulture that our people are proud of.

This is transformational change for te rohe o te Wairoa and we are looking for a passionate individual to join our team as Orchard Manager.

Applicants will need to demonstrate the following knowledge, skills, and experience:

  • Minimum of 5 years’ experience in a similar role
  • Horticultural experience – apples, kiwifruit and/or avocados would be preferable
  • New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture – Fruit Production
  • GrowSafe and Approved Handler certified
  • Sound knowledge of horticultural practices in the fruit industry

To apply for the role, or to find out more, please email or visit our offices at 34 Marine Parade, Wairoa.

Applications close 5pm, Friday 14 May 2021.  

Recruitment for Commercial General Manager – Tātau Tātau Commercial Limited Partnership

Tātau Tātau Commercial Limited Partnership is looking for a commercially astute professional to lead the investment arm of its Board, as Commercial General Manager. 

Tātau Tātau Commercial Limited Partnership and its separate Board is the commercial arm managing the $100 million investment on behalf of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust. It is a Wairoa-based organisation, and its Board holds extensive commercial expertise and knowledge of the Iwi. 

Further details on the role and required skills and expertise are provided below. 

About the Commercial GM role:

  • Advise the Board on investment strategies
  • Advise the Board on investment opportunities
  • Manage and grow investment fund of $100M to financial KPIs
  • Work with Iwi to grow sustainable economy and employment
  • Partner with the Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust Board and staff
  • Establish the organisation and staff

Skills and experience:

  • Strong commercial financial acumen
  • Strong investment management
  • Strong experience in securing investment opportunities including due diligence
  • Minimum 3 years’ senior management or CEO
  • Ability to deliver KPIs for a Board
  • Ability to listen and communicate to community, peers and Board


  • Unique to be leading the commercial subsidiary of a PSGE
  • An ability to lead the growth in commercial returns
  • Learning effective performance in the Māori economy
  • Strengthening Māori capability
  • Competitive salary and vehicle benefit
  • Beautiful environment to live, work and play
  • Flexible location

How to apply:

To apply, please complete the ‘apply for this job’ application form on the Sheffield recruitment website here, attaching your cover letter and CV, or email

Applications close on 21 May. Emails will be electronically acknowledged and further correspondence may be by email.

For more information, and a copy of the Position Description, please email David Hammond on

Come along to our Taiao Wānanga – 24 April 2021

E ngā kaitiakai whenua, e ngā kaiwhakatere wai, piki mai rā ki te whare wānanga ā Tane.

Whakarauika mai i te whakairinga o te kupu, te whakapiringa o te tangata, ara, Ko Te Rauhina.

Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa are holding our first wānanga to develop our Taiao framework for Kāhui, ngā iwi me ngā hapū o te rohe.

Where: Te Rauhina, Kihitū Marae, Rauhina Roadway, Wairoa
Date: Saturday 24 April 2021
Time: 10am – 2pm

For further information, please email or visit our offices at 34 Marine Parade, Wairoa. 
To RSVP, email

Expressions of interest: Matangirau Reserves Board

We are seeking expressions of interests from registered members of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa for appointment to the Matangirau Reserves Board. We have three positions available.

This Reserves Board forms part of our Te Tiriti settlement with the Crown and has been established to initially manage five reserves (two Crown and three Council-owned reserves) in and around the Wairoa River mouth. 

Expressions of Interests should be made in writing before 5pm, Monday 14 December 2020. Applicants must demonstrate the following in their application:     

  1. Whakapapa connection to the reserve
  2. Knowledge of pre- and post-colonial history of the reserves area
  3. Understand the terms of the Matangirau Reserves Board as outlined in the Deed of Settlement for Ngā iwi me ngā Hapū o te Rohe o Te Wairoa
  4. Display behaviours consistent with the values of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa and the Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) Code of Conduct
  5. Previous governance experience and/or served on committees as a trustee
  6. Include which Kāhui of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa they are registered with and their current residential address.

Applications can be emailed to, posted to PO Box 61 Wairoa 4108, or dropped off at our office on 34 Marine Parade in Wairoa between 8.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.   

Please share this news with your whānau.

Landowner Information event – Wairoa Horticulture

5.30pm, Thursday 26 November 2020

Tapuae Sports Club, Hunterbrown St, Wairoa

Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust, Ngāti Pāhauwera Development Trust, Wairoa District Council and Hawke’s Bay Regional Council invite all landowners who are interested in horticulture to an information evening to hear about how we can support you in land use change. 

Horticulture across the district presents an opportunity to transform the Wairoa economy, providing farmers and landowners with better returns, creating meaningful employment opportunities for our people, and over time helping support an eco-system of value-adding Wairoa-based services that traditionally collect around horticulture.

AGM change of venue to War Memorial Hall, Wairoa

We have had to change the venue for our Annual General Meeting.  A whānau from Australia is due back with their loved one who passed and they are taking him to Rangiāhua Marae. Our condolences go out to the whānau.

Our Annual General Meeting on Saturday 28 November 2020 will now be held at the War Memorial Hall on Queen Street in Wairoa, instead of at Rangiāhua Marae.

Our day will commence with the opening of our office at 34 Marine Parade Wairoa, at 11am.  We invite you to attend, meet our staff and enjoy light refreshments. 


Where: War Memorial Hall, Queen Street, Wairoa
When: Saturday 28 November 2020, 1pm to 3pm

– Pōwhiri
– Karakia
– Trust Annual Report
– Audited Financial Statements
– Appointment of the Independent Auditor
– Approval of the Directors’ Remuneration
– General business
– Kai a te Ahi  

The following resolutions will be voted on at the AGM: 
1. That the reports on the operations of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust by the elected Tātau Tātau Kāhui Representatives during the preceding Income Year be received.
2. That the Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust Annual Report 2020 and the duly audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the period ending 30 June 2020 be adopted.
3. That the appointment of BDO Gisborne Limited as the Independent Auditor for the 2020/2021 Income Year be approved.
4. That the Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trustee Limited Director Remuneration Levels for the 2020/2021 Income Year be approved.

2020 Annual Report

The 2020 Annual Report, including the Financial Statements, is available on the Trust’s website here. We will have hard copies of the Annual Report available at the AGM.

The Annual Report includes reports on the Trust’s activities over the past year, the full set of Financial Statements for the twelve months up until 30 June 2020, and details of the resolutions to be voted on.

We look forward to seeing you at our AGM if you can make it. 

 Nāhakū noa, nā

Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trustee Limited

Notice of 2020 Annual General Meeting

Kia hiwa ra, kia hiwa ra!
Nei te karanga a Te Poho o Tamaterangi ki ngā uri o ngā whare tūpuna puta noa i te rohe whānui o Te Wairoa.
Whakapiri mai, whakatata mai,
hui e! tāiki e!

Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Corporate Trustee hereby gives notice to the members of the Whānau, Hapū, and Iwi of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa of our Annual General Meeting on Saturday 28 November 2020 at Rangiāhua Marae in Wairoa.
Our day will commence with the opening of our office, 34 Marine Parade Wairoa, at 11am.  We invite you to attend, meet our staff and enjoy light refreshments. 
To make things easy for you, we will have a bus available for you to then travel to the Annual General Meeting where you will get all the updates on our mahi over the last year.

Where: Rangiāhua Marae, 331 Rangiāhua Road, Frasertown
When: Saturday 28 November 2020, 1pm to 3pm
Transport:  Departing at 12pm from our office, 34 Marine Parade Wairoa. Please contact our office to confirm your seat 06 261 4100.

– Pōwhiri
– Karakia
– Trust Annual Report
– Audited Financial Statements
– Appointment of the Independent Auditor
– Approval of the Directors’ Remuneration
– General business
– Kai a te Ahi  

The following resolutions will be voted on at the AGM: 
1. That the reports on the operations of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust by the elected Tātau Tātau Kāhui Representatives during the preceding Income Year be received.
2. That the Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust Annual Report 2020 and the duly audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the period ending 30 June 2020 be adopted.
3. That the appointment of BDO Gisborne Limited as the Independent Auditor for the 2020/2021 Income Year be approved.
4. That the Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trustee Limited Director Remuneration Levels for the 2020/2021 Income Year be approved.

2020 Annual Report

The 2020 Annual Report, including the Financial Statements, is available on the Trust’s website here, and can be downloaded here. We will have hard copies of the Annual Report available at the AGM.
The Annual Report includes reports on the Trust’s activities over the past year, the full set of Financial Statements for the twelve months up until 30 June 2020, and details of the resolutions to be voted on.
We look forward to seeing you at our AGM if you can make it. 

 Nāhakū noa, nā

Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trustee Limited

PGF investment announced for Wairoa Horticulture Hub

E ngā ringa tōhau nui, e ngā ngākau whihita, tēnā tātau katoa.

Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa have been successful in our application to the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) to develop a Horticulture Hub for Te Wairoa. The $2.3 million investment from PGF comprises a grant of $875,000 and a loan of $1,456,350 to develop a trial orchard, engage landowners to diversify into horticulture and develop an integrated skills and training programme. This project signifies the first commercial venture in the rohe using the full range of our settlement assets to create jobs and businesses for our whānau.

Why horticulture? 

We rely heavily on farming with the meat works employing close to 60% of our communities. The current rate of afforestation presents a threat to the works and those jobs. Horticulture will provide another industry in the district and opportunities to increase the productivity of our whenua, returning greater economic benefits through higher yields, jobs and the creation of associated businesses. Our plan is to build a post-harvest facility in Wairoa from year 5 to year 10, creating 300 new jobs and contributing an extra $8.2 million every year to our local economy.

We see the environmental impacts of intensive horticulture, particularly water, in Heretaunga and Tūranga. We believe that if we take the lead on these developments here, we can ensure our values around environment, social wellbeing and culture flourish together.  

Our Wairoa Horticulture Hub is a collaboration between Ngāti Pāhauwera, Hawkes Bay Regional Council and Wairoa District Council.

Realising these opportunities is important, now more than ever, given the far-reaching impacts of COVID-19. You can read more about this project on pages 41 and 42 of our ‘Whakamanahia a Te Wairoa’ document, available on our website here.     What next?
– We are recruiting for a programme manager and whenua Māori connector to lead us. You can read the full job advertisement here.
– We are looking for landowners who are interested in converting to horticulture and will be holding our first information evening in November.
– We are working with fresh produce organisations to develop a range of commercial partners with the same vision and values.
– We are working with schools, training providers, employers and government to develop a workforce plan.

We will endeavour to keep you updated on developments and have engaged Korou Digital to help take us together on this journey.

Keep an eye out for further updates as we look to address homes and housing for whānau.

Nāreira, Mā te mahitahi ka eā. Mauri tū, mauri ora!

Roles available on our team & Information Evening on 14 October

Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust is currently looking for people to join our team in the following roles:

– Programme Manager Horticulture

– Whenua Māori Community Coordinator

– Policy Advisor

– IT Advisory Group members

If you are interested in joining our team, or want to know more: Email or phone 06 261 4088.

An information evening will also be held on Wednesday, 14 October 2020, at 530pm, at our offices (34 Marine Parade, Wairoa), or join us via zoom. To confirm your attendance or to request the zoom link please email by 5 pm, Tuesday 13 October 2020.

Wairoa socio-economic response to COVID-19, Whakamanahia a Te Wairoa: now available online

Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa, Ngāti Pāhauwera Development Trust and Wairoa District Council have come together to develop a community-driven, aligned, focused, and coordinated socio-economic response to COVID-19, supporting the Wairoa region, its communities, and peoples.

This response focuses on immediate actions, employment, short and long-term projects, that address the current response and align with the aims of Wairoa.  

Whānau are encouraged to read the comprehensive ‘Whakamanahia a Te Wairoa’ document, now available on the Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa website here.

This document is a foundation for presenting the proposed approach, communicating, and seeking support for funding for the recovery in Wairoa. In developing the approach and this document, the partners have made clear that there is a need to increase participation, transparency, efficiency and accountability through cooperation and collaboration.

Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa looks forward to continuing to working collaboratively with its partners to drive the social, economic, environmental, and cultural wellbeing of Wairoa, its people and the Whānau, Hapū and Iwi of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa.

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