Category: News (Page 5 of 5)

Huge turn-out for inaugural Waitangi concert

Ngā mihi to everyone who came along to our first-ever Waitangi Day Registration Concert. There is a huge appetite to have this built into something even greater for 2019. The kōrero has already begun! We have created a short slideshow from photos of our whānau enjoying the event. You can view this here and see more images on our Facebook page. Mauri Ora.

Historical Grievances Heard

Te Arawhiti is a special five-day hui that has been called for Te Tira Whakaemi o Te Wairoa, the seven cluster groups including iwi and hapū of the greater Wairoa region, to tell their stories and have their historical grievances against the Crown heard and recorded.


Read more here: MaoriTV

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