Category: News (Page 1 of 5)

Vacancy – Forest Intern

Interested in the land and keen to learn more about forestry on the East Coast? 

Juken New Zealand (JNL) is currently looking for an intern to work with them over the summer period. You’ll get to upskill in waterway monitoring, quality auditing, and surveying of plant growth, spread and condition. All training will be provided on the job.

If you’re interested, view the summer intern information here and fill out the Application Form here and send it to Applications close 5pm Friday 20 January – that’s this Friday, so get in quick if you’re keen!

Commercial Project Manager appointed

E hoki mai rā

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Rawinia Kamau to the role of Commercial Project Manager. Rawinia will be working with the commercial board to grow the asset portfolio for the Group ensuring investments are managed holistically with a Te Ao Māori approach.

Rawinia has a background in economic development and has held a range of management and governance roles including running her own consultancy business, General Manager of Trust Horizon, Commercial Development Advisor, and Senior Economist.

Rawinia has whakapapa to Wairoa, Whakakī and Te Māhia. Rawinia will be based at the Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa offices in Wairoa from early October 2021.

Job opportunity: Project Manager – Taiao (Fixed-term)

Do you want to play a key role in helping transform our natural environment in the Wairoa rohe for generations to come?

We are seeking an experienced project manager to lead our Taiao (Environment) project.

Tātau Tātau o te Wairoa Trust seeks to restore the natural environment, exercise mātauranga in sustainable land use practises, and ensure biodiversity and the state of the freshwater and awa in the Wairoa district is improved. This requires the implementation of a programme to build the capabilities of the Kāhui so they can continue to lead environmental programmes and to assist with shaping their taiao goals.

The key output for the role of Project Manager – Taiao will be to support Kāhui taiao objectives, coordinate the development of the taiao goals for the rohe and present these in a draft environmental plan.

To be successful in this role, you will possess the following key skills:

  • An understanding and respect of kaupapa Māori, te reo me ōna tikanga, and relationships within te ao Māori – marae, whānau, hapū and iwi, and a competent level of pronunciation of Te Reo Māori.
  • Experience working with communities, iwi and Māori organisations
  • Tertiary qualification at degree level or higher in an appropriate field
  • Experience interpreting legislation and policy
  • Experience in working with the Resource Management Act and/or environmental management, regional and district plans, Long Term Council Community Plans, annual plans, strategy documents and other planning processes
  • Highly developed problem-solving and analytical skills
  • Superior ability to communicate effectively, including the ability to write reports
  • Proven ability to work cross culturally, with Iwi/Māori/government/the private sector in a way that positively contributes to the achievement of organisational objectives
  • Demonstrates honesty, integrity, commitment and loyalty in behaviour and work performance
  • A current driver’s licence.

This is a fixed-term role, based in Wairoa. For further information, download the full Job Description here.

To respond to this opportunity, please email and include your resume or curriculum vitae.

Expressions of Interest: Research on the impact of sediment on the Lower Wairoa River

Whitiwhiti Ora “Our Land & Water (OLW) National Science Challenge”* 

We are working with Wairoa District Council, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and OLW to study the impact of sediment on mahinga kai and sites of cultural significance in the lower Wairoa River.

Having data to quantify the impacts of sediment on mahinga kai and the expertise of the OLW team to help model different land use scenarios to reduce sediment, while being grounded in the mātauranga of the whānau in Wairoa, is a significant opportunity.

The first step in the project is to understand the relationship of tāngata whenua with the Wairoa River.

We are seeking Expressions of Interest (EoI) from people to provide the following:Identify from whānau, hapū, iwi what values they hold with respect to the awa focusing on mahinga kai and sites of cultural significance in the lower Wairoa RiverGather data on how sediment affects these values, where these values are, and what a good condition for these values looks likeGather data from hui, wānanga and kōrero that has been or is being collected that is related to land and sediment to help understand what the river has been like in the past and the impact of sediment.The role will be initially for a fixed term through to 30 September 2021.  The successful applicant will be working directly with the lead researcher from OLW.

To respond to this EoI please email, including your resumé or curriculum vitae. 

The EoI closes at 5pm on Friday 16 July 2021  


Tātau Tātau Horticulture update

Manaaki whenua, manaaki wai, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua
Caring for our land, caring for our water, caring for our people, for the future
Our first orchard!
We are very excited to announce the establishment of our first orchard in partnership with The Proprietors of Ohuia Incorporation. 18 hectares of apples will be planted on Ohuia’s Tara Block up the Tiniroto Road in Marumaru.

In 2017, Ohuia commenced exploration over its 300ha of Māori freehold land to investigate the sustainability of horticulture. Its long-term aspirations to create employment and training opportunities through horticulture will be fast-tracked through this exciting new partnership. 

Horticulture across our rohe has the potential to transform the community of Wairoa – creating meaningful employment and education opportunities that will contribute to our growing population and the sustainability of our people to stay in Wairoa.    

Many of you attended our various landowner hui over the last few months and expressed an interest in horticulture opportunities for your whenua. The successful outcomes of these hui are: The establishment of a database utilising the information provided from landowners; we see this as an important tool in identifying owners and pockets of underutilised whenua.  Two roopu of landowners are undertaking feasibility studies on their identified whenua; and We have progressed education regarding governance structures and board membership roles and responsibilities.   

The Tara development block where 18 hectares of apples will be planted. 
Whatungarongaro te tangata toitū te whenua
As man disappears from sight, the land remains
Next steps
Just like the words of our ancestors through this whakataukī, we are very cognisant of the nationwide pull on our natural resources, in particular our wai. We require the supply of water to irrigate the orchard. The latest technology and monitoring will ensure we use only what we need.

Our ongoing responsibilities to our whenua, wai and our people, include the identification and mitigation of any potential impacts of horticulture. A Cultural Impact Assessment is an important component of this kaupapa. We have engaged Jade Wikaira and Liz Palmer to facilitate the meaningful and effective participation of tangata whenua. A Consultation Hui will be held Saturday 17 July at 10am at Taihoa Marae which we invite you to attend.
Later in July, we will be working with our established environmental champions for riparian planting activities. Our plan is in the design phase — we do encourage that you keep an eye out for further communications regarding our contribution towards our healthy ecosystem.
Upcoming event  Consultation Hui – Cultural Impact Assessment
Taihoa Marae | Saturday 17 July, 10am  

Job opportunity – Orchard Manager

Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa is embarking on greenfield horticultural development to increase land utilisation in Wairoa for the benefit of current and future generations. Our vision is for sustainable use and development of our whenua to create a community of horticulture that our people are proud of.

This is transformational change for te rohe o te Wairoa and we are looking for a passionate individual to join our team as Orchard Manager.

Applicants will need to demonstrate the following knowledge, skills, and experience:

  • Minimum of 5 years’ experience in a similar role
  • Horticultural experience – apples, kiwifruit and/or avocados would be preferable
  • New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture – Fruit Production
  • GrowSafe and Approved Handler certified
  • Sound knowledge of horticultural practices in the fruit industry

To apply for the role, or to find out more, please email or visit our offices at 34 Marine Parade, Wairoa.

Applications close 5pm, Friday 14 May 2021.  

Recruitment for Commercial General Manager – Tātau Tātau Commercial Limited Partnership

Tātau Tātau Commercial Limited Partnership is looking for a commercially astute professional to lead the investment arm of its Board, as Commercial General Manager. 

Tātau Tātau Commercial Limited Partnership and its separate Board is the commercial arm managing the $100 million investment on behalf of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust. It is a Wairoa-based organisation, and its Board holds extensive commercial expertise and knowledge of the Iwi. 

Further details on the role and required skills and expertise are provided below. 

About the Commercial GM role:

  • Advise the Board on investment strategies
  • Advise the Board on investment opportunities
  • Manage and grow investment fund of $100M to financial KPIs
  • Work with Iwi to grow sustainable economy and employment
  • Partner with the Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust Board and staff
  • Establish the organisation and staff

Skills and experience:

  • Strong commercial financial acumen
  • Strong investment management
  • Strong experience in securing investment opportunities including due diligence
  • Minimum 3 years’ senior management or CEO
  • Ability to deliver KPIs for a Board
  • Ability to listen and communicate to community, peers and Board


  • Unique to be leading the commercial subsidiary of a PSGE
  • An ability to lead the growth in commercial returns
  • Learning effective performance in the Māori economy
  • Strengthening Māori capability
  • Competitive salary and vehicle benefit
  • Beautiful environment to live, work and play
  • Flexible location

How to apply:

To apply, please complete the ‘apply for this job’ application form on the Sheffield recruitment website here, attaching your cover letter and CV, or email

Applications close on 21 May. Emails will be electronically acknowledged and further correspondence may be by email.

For more information, and a copy of the Position Description, please email David Hammond on

Come along to our Taiao Wānanga – 24 April 2021

E ngā kaitiakai whenua, e ngā kaiwhakatere wai, piki mai rā ki te whare wānanga ā Tane.

Whakarauika mai i te whakairinga o te kupu, te whakapiringa o te tangata, ara, Ko Te Rauhina.

Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa are holding our first wānanga to develop our Taiao framework for Kāhui, ngā iwi me ngā hapū o te rohe.

Where: Te Rauhina, Kihitū Marae, Rauhina Roadway, Wairoa
Date: Saturday 24 April 2021
Time: 10am – 2pm

For further information, please email or visit our offices at 34 Marine Parade, Wairoa. 
To RSVP, email

Expressions of interest: Matangirau Reserves Board

We are seeking expressions of interests from registered members of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa for appointment to the Matangirau Reserves Board. We have three positions available.

This Reserves Board forms part of our Te Tiriti settlement with the Crown and has been established to initially manage five reserves (two Crown and three Council-owned reserves) in and around the Wairoa River mouth. 

Expressions of Interests should be made in writing before 5pm, Monday 14 December 2020. Applicants must demonstrate the following in their application:     

  1. Whakapapa connection to the reserve
  2. Knowledge of pre- and post-colonial history of the reserves area
  3. Understand the terms of the Matangirau Reserves Board as outlined in the Deed of Settlement for Ngā iwi me ngā Hapū o te Rohe o Te Wairoa
  4. Display behaviours consistent with the values of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa and the Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) Code of Conduct
  5. Previous governance experience and/or served on committees as a trustee
  6. Include which Kāhui of Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa they are registered with and their current residential address.

Applications can be emailed to, posted to PO Box 61 Wairoa 4108, or dropped off at our office on 34 Marine Parade in Wairoa between 8.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.   

Please share this news with your whānau.

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